Gloria Lanci, Art Maps and Cities - Palgrave Macmillan Cham, UK. 2023
Brenda Thornley, Map Quiz Book, Hardie Grant Travel, Australia. 2021
Erik T Frank, Combattre, Sauver, Soigner – CNRS Editions, France. 2020
Huw Lewis-Jones, An Atlas of Imagined Islands, Thames and Hudson, London. 2019
Londonist, Londonist Mapped: Hand-Drawn Maps for the Curious Londoner, AA Publishing, UK. 2017
XYHT (Geospatial Publication – USA), Map as Art, September Issue. 2016
The World in a Mirror - exhibition catalogue, Museum aan de Stroom, Antwerp, Belgium. 2015
The Observer, Artist Stephen Walter: ‘The Artist Mapping London’s Shifts, Stories and Secrets’, Tim Adams, 10 May, 2015
Jerry Brotton, Great Maps: the world’s masterpieces explored and explained - book, Dorling Kindersley, London, 2014
Bradley L Garrett, Subterranean London: Cracking the Capital - book, Prestel / Random House, London. 2014
D Vichnar, O Pek, J Nieuwland, Terrain: Essays on the New Poetics - book, Litteraria Pragensia, Prague, Czech Republic. 2014
A Antonis, R Klanten, S Ehmann & H Hellige, A Map of the World According to Illustrators & Storytellers - book, Gestalten, Berlin, 2013
Lokaal01 and Frederik Vergaert, Once More unto the Breach, Dear Friend, Once More - exhibition catalogue, Breda/Antwerp, Belgium, 2013
Life Magazine – China, Beibei Yin, Issue 80, July. 2012
Claire Dobbin, London Underground Maps: Art, Design & Cartography - book, Lund Humphries / London Transport Museum, Farnham, UK. 2012.
Jenny Sjöholm, Goegraphies of the Artist’s Studio #1, Suid & Tabernacle. London, UK. 2012
Liane Lang, Once Upon A Time in the West, A Geography of Artist’s Studios, Artist book, London, UK. 2012
Guardian, Words on the street: Stephen Walter’s city maps, Kevin Braddock, 2 Feb, 2011
Peter Barber and Tom Harper, Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda & Art - Exhibition Catalogue, The British Library, London, UK. 2010
Printmaking Today, Artist’s Eye, Michael Sims, Spring 2009
Electronic Beats Magazine, …and the Geek Shall Inherit the Earth!, Lars Borges, Lisa Borges & Viktoria Pelles, Issue 03. 2008
Stephen Walter, The Island: London Series - exhibition catalogue, TAG Fine Arts, London, UK. 2008
The Jerwood Drawing Prize 2004, Catalogue, Wimbledon School of Art, UK. 2004